If the Empire is looking for a way to recruit, they should look at these Star Wars pin-up posters.
Above Image: Imperial Recruitment Pin-up Poster "Do your part, SERVE!" by Feng Zhu
One common method of propaganda uses images of beautiful men and women to make people think that if they follow a certain ideology, they too will be happy or successful. In that sense, these are brilliant.
Feng Zhu is a concept artist who's worked on Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005) and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009). He drew "Imperial Recruitment" posters for the trade paperback Star Wars Visionaries
. They remind me a lot of the 50s WWII posters.
Check after the jump for the posters and click on them to enlarge.
Try and stay away from the Empire now.
You can see more of Feng Zhu's portfolio and design school fengzhudesign.com.
(Via Geekologie)
This is a cross-post from my other blog The Geek Twins
What do you think of the posters? Would you join the empire?

Z is for Zhu
This post was part of the month long "A-Z Challenge." For 26 days, I choose a letter from the alphabet and featured a favorite artist or property. To read more of the posts in the series click here. To find out more about the challenge go here. Check the Facebook page and follow on Twitterusing the hashtag #AtoZChallenge.
Hosted by The Madlab Post (Nicole Ayers), Tossing it Out(Arlee Bird), Amlokiblogs (Damyanti Biswas), Alex J. Cavanaugh (Alex J. Cavanaugh), Life is Good (Tina Downey), Cruising Altitude 2.0 (DL Hammons), Retro-Zombie(Jeremy Hawkins), The Warrior Muse (Shannon Lawrence), The QQQE (Matthew MacNish), Leave it to Livia(Livia Peterson), No Thought 2 Small (Konstanz Silverbow), Breakthrough Blogs (Stephen Tremp) and Spunk on a Stick(L. Diane Wolfe)
Above Image: Imperial Recruitment Pin-up Poster "Do your part, SERVE!" by Feng Zhu
One common method of propaganda uses images of beautiful men and women to make people think that if they follow a certain ideology, they too will be happy or successful. In that sense, these are brilliant.
Feng Zhu is a concept artist who's worked on Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005) and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009). He drew "Imperial Recruitment" posters for the trade paperback Star Wars Visionaries
Check after the jump for the posters and click on them to enlarge.
Try and stay away from the Empire now.
You can see more of Feng Zhu's portfolio and design school fengzhudesign.com.
(Via Geekologie)
This is a cross-post from my other blog The Geek Twins
What do you think of the posters? Would you join the empire?

This post was part of the month long "A-Z Challenge." For 26 days, I choose a letter from the alphabet and featured a favorite artist or property. To read more of the posts in the series click here. To find out more about the challenge go here. Check the Facebook page and follow on Twitterusing the hashtag #AtoZChallenge.
Hosted by The Madlab Post (Nicole Ayers), Tossing it Out(Arlee Bird), Amlokiblogs (Damyanti Biswas), Alex J. Cavanaugh (Alex J. Cavanaugh), Life is Good (Tina Downey), Cruising Altitude 2.0 (DL Hammons), Retro-Zombie(Jeremy Hawkins), The Warrior Muse (Shannon Lawrence), The QQQE (Matthew MacNish), Leave it to Livia(Livia Peterson), No Thought 2 Small (Konstanz Silverbow), Breakthrough Blogs (Stephen Tremp) and Spunk on a Stick(L. Diane Wolfe)
once again... great stuff on this site... still very interesting and i know it and so should the world.
ReplyDeleteAnd again, tempting to join...
ReplyDeleteDarn, I was really hoping these would be actual storm troopers posing as pin-ups.