Nathan Schroeder (The Avengers, Star Trek, X-Men) helped design for the film and here's what he said about the design on his site.
"I was very excited to be able to work on the fourth, and perhaps final installment of this legendary series of films. My biggest contribution to this film was the creation of a series of paintings and relief carvings that explain the origins of the crystal skull."
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Wikipedia Synopsis:
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is a 2008 American adventure science fiction film. It is the fourth and final film in the Indiana Jones franchise, created by George Lucas and directed by Steven Spielberg. Released nineteen years after the previous film, the film acknowledges its star Harrison Ford's age by being set in 1957. It pays tribute to the science fiction B-movies of the era, pitting Indiana Jones against Soviet agents—led by Irina Spalko (Cate Blanchett)—for a psychic alien crystal skull. Indiana is aided by his former lover Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen) and son Mutt Williams (Shia LaBeouf). Ray Winstone, John Hurt and Jim Broadbent are also part of the supporting cast.
See more of Nathan Schroeder's portfolio at NathanSchroeder.net
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@ Copyright 2008 Paramount Pictures, Lucasfilm, Nathan Schroeder. All rights reserved