Super-villains love underwater bases for some reason. James Bond villains like Stromburg and Largo had some. Doctor Octopus had one. Even Dr. Evil had a submarine base. Would you build one?
The movie G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra (2009) has some amazing action scenes in it. Director Stephen Sommers is known for huge set pieces and this film was no exception. Inspired by James Bond movies, he talked about his approach to the film in an interview with "Entertainment Weekly."
"Sommers adds that G.I. Joe, which also stars Dennis Quaid and features a cameo from his Mummy star Brendan Fraser, was partly inspired by the Sean Connery-era James Bond movies. 'I always loved the old Bonds," he says. "It's funny now how Bond wants to be Bourne. I loved Quantum of Solace, but it was like, man, this is a completely different movie to the Bonds I grew up with. In a very contemporary way, G.I. Joe is inspired by the memory of the kind of movies I saw when I was younger. I remember being in the theater for Thunderball and the big underwater battle at the end of that movie just blew my socks off. In G.I. Joe, there's an underwater battle under the polar icecap that's Thunderball times 10!'"One of the many talented artists who worked on the film is Morgan Yon (Prince of Persia: Sands of Time , The Wolfman, Dorian Gray) who worked for The Moving Picture Company. Here are some concept illustrations of the designs for the underwater battle against the M.A.R.S. base Yon did. It's full of pipes, elevators and killer robot fish.
See more of Morgan Yon's portfolio at www.morgan-yon.com.
What do you think of the illustrations? What would you have in an evil underwater base?

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I like the second and third illustrations under the one where the base is surrounded by sharks and other fish. They pretty much cover the necessary bases of what goes in the scene but does not go too far into obsessing about details. No, I would not want or have an evil underwater base. It's just nonsense. Believe it or not, Quantum of Solace was the first Bond film I saw and I liked it. Still, Bond will never be Bourne...there is only one Bourne!