In my blog I try and share information on who's creating the films we love. That takes a lot of research.
When the blog began I figured my main source of information about films would be IMDb, but its the most useless place to go. Here's why.
Cast Information
The list of cast information is usually wrong. Either there are people missing or people listed that don't actually work on the film.
Movie Synopsis
The movie synopsis is almost never the official version. It wouldn't be hard to do. A quick Google search for "official synopsis" usually gets it.
The official one is usually better thought out, has the main cast and doesn't give away plot points. They're just better.
For some reason, IMBd prefers one written by some loser.
The list of films someone has worked on is sometimes pitifully short our is based on speculation.
For example, Tuesday I updated Cesar Lemus' IMDb page so it shows he's worked on more than two shows. If you just went by his page, you'd never know he was a prolific artist.
I can't do that with everyone.
The main problem is that its community based and most people don't care about the little details. Till they fix that, IMDb will be my least favorite website.
That is sad. I guess IMDB staff is so busy setting up ads and counting their money that they're too busy to work on their own website.