I've got some gorgeous concept art for a film I've never heard of called "The Last City" by Philippe Martinez. Here's the synopsis from Cinepro:
Set in post-apocalyptic New York City, "The Last City" is a noir CGI thriller that follows detective Michael Blake, who sets out to avenge the brutal murder of his brother Gabe and save hispregnant widow (May) from the clutches of New York City's overlord, Max White. As Blake strikes down White's henchmen one by one, street battle after car chase, his vengeance begins to takeon a new meaning. He realizes he is leading the hope of his brother's underground society to a new salvation by challenging White's grip over the city.I don't normally post an entire run of concept art, but I was tempted because I couldn't pick a favorite. The rich use of muted tones just sets the mood perfectly.
Blake, in all his fury, brings a full assault to White's doorstep by rousing the spirits of the underground survivors and arming them to challenge White's authority. By the time Michael reaches White, the fight brings him to the edge of hell on earth where the victor determines the fate of the human race.
Library Hall (Nice sense of scale)
Library Office (The Justice statue seems so ironic in this setting)
Madison Square Ariel View (Nice to know NY hasn't changed)
Madison Square Arena Battle (Check out the mayhem)
New York City (I love the dry river)
No word on who the concept artist is because its still in pre-production, but the storyboard artist is Christopher Hosey. I look forward to seeing more.